Saturday, December 8, 2012


I know this diet isn't about food. It's about using food as a tool to re-teach yourself proper nutrition and portions. But damn. Lately my lean and green meals have been so amazing that I have to wonder if I'm not cheating! I have to say the meals themselves have vastly improved since my first few days of egg white scrambles. Eating healthy and clean doesn't mean flavorless, bland, or not filling. I've learned that using spices is very important in making an enjoyable meal. I've also discovered that miracle noodles are, indeed, a freaking miracle!! Every meal I've used them in so far has blown my mind. I highly recommend them. Any how. It's been a little while since I posted, so here's a photo collage of my dinners as of late :)


  1. OK.. From the top.. WHAT IS IT!?!?! They all look amazing and YUMMY!!!! Educate me, lady!

  2. The first on is a broccoli, shrimp, zucchini and miracle noodle stir fry. Next is tilapia fillets with a side of spaghetti squash and a little salad. Then it's Thai Turkey burgers on a bed of greens, then spicy cabbage and turkey, then Thai coconut shrimp with miracle rice :) I really need to put all these recipes on here :)
