When I step back and look at the big picture, I see a pattern. If I'm scared, stressed, sad, or feeling helpless, I fix it with food. I'm not sure how or when it started, but it's been going on all of my adult life. It doesn't make much sense, but when I feel like my life is out of control, I regain it by making bad decisions. I know I'm breaking, but I don't care. I know I'm ruining all of my hard work, but it doesn't matter. It starts small, then it snowballs until I feel just as miserable as I did before.
I'm here now. I feel badly that I did this to myself. I know I am to blame. Why couldn't I stop? Why wasn't I strong enough? I could blame it on a multitude of things. The loss of our business. The uncertainty of life at that time. Moving to a new state. The financial strain we have experienced lately. It was hard, and I compensated by sabotaging myself. I can't blame any situation. I ultimately made the choice to take the easy, destructive way out instead of digging deeper and pushing on. Live and learn, I guess?
I am very lucky in the fact that through the hell we have been through this year, my marriage is sound. I have a husband who understands and loves me for me, no matter what life brings and how I choose to deal with it. He is my partner in everything, and I know that together, we will come out on the other end stronger.
Emotionally, I'm not quite ready to come back to my weight loss journey quite yet. I have to work through some things, and get through the rest of this month, which will be spent with my amazing family. On September 7th, I will participate in my first 5k marathon. When I signed up last year, I had glorious visions of a thinner, toned me kicking ass at this. Instead, I'm closer to where I was when I started. I think taking part of this marathon will be a sort of rebirth for me. I will be the slower, out of shape me, but I will still be me, doing something for the right reasons.
I come home to Arizona the day after the race. The perfect time to recommit and do this right, once and for all.